We are convinced that being Open Source in Bioinformatics is today a “must”:
Being open source let a company to focus all the development effort in innovation, solutions design and adaptation to the customer.
The customer interested in using bioinformatics software does not want to be dependent of a proprietary technology.
And most important, the complexity of the analysis needed for NGS data leads to the necessity of combining several software solutions in pipelines and, in general, the best of these solutions are Open Source solutions that can only be integrated with other Open Source software applications.
Thus, our vision is that in today’s bioinformatics only Open Source applications able to integrate in an Open Source ecosystem will survive.
How Era7 Bioinformatics earn money?
Many of our customers need data analysis and they prefer not to be worried about managing servers, installing the software and having skilled people to run it because they only want to analyze data eventually. Furthermore, in many cases they take advantage of our complete integrated services.
For other customers, Era7 Bioinformatics staff help them Installing, adapting and integrating our Open Source software in their bioinformatics facilities. Using sometimes our Cloud Services or tailored software development service.
In Era7 Bioinformatics we license our developments under the AGPL v3 license: