Working in a complex and fast changing area demands a great amount of collaboration. Being Open Source is a philosophy that encourages collaboration and the best work is almost always the result of a collaborative effort.
Era7 Bioinformatics collaborates with research groups and institutions, sequencing providers and other companies.
Here are some of our collaborators:
Hospital Ramón y Cajal. Madrid. Spain
Hospital La Paz. Madrid. Spain
Hospital Valdecilla. Santander. Spain.
Institute for Food Safety and Hygiene. University of Zurich. Zurich. Switzerland.
Center for Applied Plant Science. Ohio State University (OSU). Ohio. USA.
Berkeley Phylogenomics Group. Berkeley University. California. USA.
Instituto de Parasitologia y Biomedicina Lopez Neyra. CSIC. Granada. Spain.
Unidad de Genomica. Fundación Parque Científico de Madrid. Madrid. Spain.
Pacific Biosciences. Menlo Park. California. USA.
Expression Analysis. Durham . North Carolina. USA.
Neuron Bio. Granada. Spain.