BG7 is selected by Pacific Biosciences as partner product.


Imagen Noticia

Complete BG7, our bacterial genome annotation system, has been selected by Pacific Biosciences to be included in their partner products:

On February 15, 2012, PacBio News Release announced the first PacBio® RS compatible products.

You can find BG7 described as “BG7 Bacterial Genome Annotation Service from Era7 Bioinformatics for gene and RNA prediction from PacBio de novo assemblies”:

Service description

Complete BG7 is a service offering you the complete solution for your bacterial genomics project:

  • Project Design: Understanding goals, picking the most appropriate NGS technology...
  • Sequencing
  • Assembly
  • Data analysis: Including Annotation with BG7 method

Reports and Deliverables

What do you get at the end?

  • Reports including quality control results
  • A complete catalog of protein coding and RNA genes
  • A rich functional annotation of protein coding genes including ontologies like GO or KEGG

Annotation files in standard formarts: gff, genbank, xml...