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Era7 Bioinformatics is a Bioinformatics company specialized in sequence analysis, knowledge management and sequencing data interpretation.

Our area of expertise revolves around biological sequence analysis, particularly Next Generation Sequencing data management and analysis.


Our team is multidisciplinary: bioinformaticians, mathematicians, lab researchers, immunologists, biologists specialized in biochemistry and IT professionals.


A team formed by people with different backgrounds is able to analyse the same problem from different point of views.


We are involved in several research projects. We enjoy our work and are an enthusiastic team, passionated about sequences and new technologies. Difficult projects are a challenge for us and we enjoy designing and developing new solutions.



Eduardo Pareja
Raquel Tobes
PhD, wide experience in bioinformatics, both pure research and consulting. She leads our research unit.
Eduardo Pareja Tobes
Mathematician. Works in algorithm design and cloud-based architecture design and development. His research interests are algorithms for sequence analysis and category theory in systems biology.
Marina Manrique
MSc Biochemistry. MSc in Mathematical Biology. Bioinformatician with ample experience in Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and Bacterial Genomics.
Pablo Pareja
Flex/Java developer. Project Leader of Bio4j

Marta Brozynska

MSc in Biotechnology.